First of all please note that it isn't full archive of Russian Locale System. Please download from Aminet additional archives called "RUS_xxx.lha". It archive called RUS_main.lha is main archive with most features of Russian Locale System. This system bases on DM russian character set which is official charset for any russian translations in ATO (Amiga Translators Organization). I am Russian Administrator ATO and more people ask me about localization in Russia. So these archives are for anybody who is interest with it. Well, now note that there isn't Install script yet. But installation isn't so hard and you are free to do it by hands. Simple copy all presented files to your system HD and reboot. Special notes: All files from directory "Fonts_Rus" mustn't be copied to system directory "Fonts". Instead you must create additional directory "Fonts_Rus" in root directory of your system HD and copy these files in it. For these fonts will be available to use you also must add next line to your startup-sequence or user-startup: Assign >NIL: FONTS: SYS:Fonts_Rus ADD Some russian fonts have same names as english ones. So for system will be able to use russian fonts you must delete or move english fonts of the same names from directory "Fonts". Please contact me if something fault: Oleg Sergeev Good days!